We went to Iowa this weekend to visit with Scottie's family. His Aunt Cindy and Uncle Gary live about 2 hours from us. His mom, dad, Aunt Joy, and his Grandparents drove over from Indiana. We had a really nice weekend. Friday was our 5th wedding anniversary. It worked out perfect because we had babysitters, so we got to go out that night. Otherwise we would have been ordering pizza at home on our anniversay! On Saturday we drove to his cousin's house. They have Tanner, who is getting ready to turn five, and Ashley who is 2 1/2. Gracie had so much fun there. They had lunch and then went swimming. Gracie created a little course for herself: up the stairs, down the slide, run to the pool and jump in feet first. She was so funny. The video below shows her and Tanner racing into the pool. Tanner is conquering his fear of water and he did a fantastic job! Afterwards we went back to Cindy and Gary's and had dinner. The kids had a blast playing together all night. They had so much fun jumping on the air matress, even though I was scared it was going to pop. You would have never known that Gracie hasn't grown up with her cousin's. This is only the third time she has ever seen them. Hopefully we can get up there more often so they can get to know each other better. Oh- what did Scottie and I do while the kids were playing? We took turns reading chapters from the last Harry Potter book. It is soooo good!!!
Here are a couple of pictures of our beloved wading pool. For all the negative things I say about Kirksville, here is a big positive. They have wading pools in all the parks in town. This one has a lifeguard on duty all day. The best part about the pools are that they are FREE!!! It is so nice to be able to going swimming without having to pay each time. Grace loves going to the pool! It's only two feet deep at the deepest end, but she is still able to swim underwater. She is like a little fish! The first picture is her playing with a little girl she met the other day, and the second picture is her catching a ride from a nice lady. People are so generous with their toys, everyone shares. It's a nice way to spend the afternoon. When we got done eating lunch the other day we looked over and Kingsley had jumped up on the chair. He is getting really brave with his begging. Well, actually he wasn't begging- he was trying to help himself!