I guess I should just starting posting pictures from the beginning of our trip and go from there. I posted more pictures below and one video. The first Saturday we were in Indiana we went to a little reunion for our college friends. We love these people and it was so good to see them. I always remember my high school teachers telling us that the friends we make in college will be our lifetime friends. It is so true. No matter how many people I have met after college it's just not on the same level. Probably because when your in college you sit around for hours at a time talking and getting to know each other. I really miss that!! These lovely ladies are two of my most favorite people in the world! Teresa is holding Grace and next to her is Nancy. I met both of them through Student Christian Fellowship at USI. Teresa is a beautiful person who is the ultimate organizer, and she has a wonderful heart for others. Even though we are pretty opposite in a lot of ways (she's organized, I'm not; she is efficient, I'm a tad bit lazy, etc...) I always have the best time with her and there is always lots of laughter. Miss Nancy Pants was my roommate during my last year of college (notice I didn't say senior year? I had two and half of them:) All I can say is good times my friend. She makes me laugh so hard! Who else will stay up half the night with me making up answering machine messages about our bug infestation?! I could go on and on about her beautiful qualities, her compassion for others, her love for the Lord, her loyalty to her friends. I have been blessed to have these two as my sisters in Christ. I just wish we could see each other more often. Friends like these don't come around often. (The other girl is my friend Jared's fiancee Casey. This was the first time we had met her, and we LOVED, LOVED, LOVED, her. I am so happy for them. Jared is another friend I could go on and on about, but I'm running out of room. I'll try again some other time.)

This is little miss Grace instructing Teresa to throw the exercise ball into her stomach. The clip below shows a little bit of the game Grace wanted to play. She said she was a gladiator. Scottie and I swelled with pride as Grace rattled off all the names of the gladiators on the tv show. Ha! Ha! Just kidding, we were actually a little embarrassed that our 4 year old knew their names and said them with such excitement. For some reason she thinks that show is awesome. She's a bit strange, but she gets it honestly.

This is little Micheal. He belongs to our friends Kerri and Kenny. Something happened to upset Micheal and he instantly grabbed on to Scottie's shorts. His dad had to work that day, so Kerri said that he probably just saw a pair of khaki cargo shorts and thought it was his dad. I tried to get a picture of his face, but the bottle is in the way. He made the cutest face when he cried. Well, he still has the cutest face even when he's not crying! :)