Grace had a fun surprise in February when Jill, Stuart, and Wyatt came over to visit with Dad and Carol. She had been wanting to go to Chuck-e-Cheese for a long time and this was the perfect time to go.
This was Avery's reaction when Chucke came out. She was pretty excited.
I have no idea what's going on here.
I was totally shocked to turn around and find Scottie at the basketball game... yeah right!
Avery and Wyatt had a lot of fun on the little car ride. We spent several tokens on this one.
I told you that Avery would climb on you if you sit in her chair. She was all over Dad that day.
Grace was showing off her super reading skills. How many people can you fit on a poofy chair? Apparently five!
We made a trip to Indy for Gabby's birthday party. Avery went nuts when they brought out the cake. This girl has a SERIOUS sweet tooth.
I was a little nervous about going to the party since the girls only get to see each other about two times a year. I wasn't sure if Gabby would have her own set of friends there and Grace would feel out of place. But all the worries were gone as soon as I rang the doorbell and heard Gabby yell "Grace is here!!!!!" They are the sweetest friends.
One of my favorite people in the world! My friend Kim.
This is the bag that I made for Gabby. I forgot to take a picture of it when I finished it, so Gabby was gracious enough the model it for me. It was pretty easy and I have enough fabric to make one for Grace too. I just need to find the energy to do it.
Love these girls!! (Can someone please tell me why Grace doesn't smile with her teeth?)
Sweet Avery taking a "ride" on Kingsley.
Avery having a not so sweet moment. Hey, we all have them!
This is exactly what I wanted and fought for when trying to have a second baby. I really wanted Grace to have someone to play with everyday. She made a "car" for the two of them. Avery is sitting on Gracie's booster seat and Grace turned the shopping cart upside down so she could be the driver. It made me smile to walk in the room and see this picture.
We decided to have our friends over for the Superbowl. Scottie and I aren't big football fans, but the Colts were playing and it gave me a good reason to have people come over. Our friends Nate and Debbie brought their three kids to the house. We have known them since our first year of med. school. It's hard to believe that when we started Grace was three, Addison was almost two, and Kayden was a tiny baby. Avery and Julianna were added two years later. It's been nice to have people to talk to throughout this experience and we will be sad to see them go to Texas as we head to Ohio. :(
I have a picture of Grace surrounded by Q-tips when she was a baby. Maybe I should learn to put them in a baby proof spot before the next one comes.
Gracie's school Valentine party. She requested to wear a dress, and a ponytail with a red headband.
We finally got Avery's first haircut. She had this funky top layer that was stringy and hanging over the rest of her hair. I'm glad her Donald Trump hair is gone!!
She didn't enjoy getting her hair cut. As soon as the put the cape on she started crying. I need to get the picture off of Scottie's phone. She looks so sad, but it was worth it to get her hair blended into a decent hairstyle.
Goodbye February!!! I will not miss you. I have my eyes set on Spring, and I can't wait for some sunshine!