Well, it's been almost three months since Scottie graduated from medical school and we are just now having a party for him. We couldn't do it right after graduation since he left a week later for officer training, and then had to start his residency as soon as he got back. Today was the best day for him, even though he worked the night before and had to work right after the party. I told you this residency life was going to be tough!
But we had a good time and I am so happy that we had the chance to celebrate all of his hard work. I'm almost getting teary thinking about everything he has accomplished, I am so proud of my husband!!
I made a little table in our front room with a few pictures and his diploma. There were some cards on there from our family. Thank you!!!
This my cookie table, and I am so proud of it!! I asked Scottie if it was okay to do this instead of a cake because they are ridiculously expensive, even at Wal-Mart. He didn't mind, and I got an excuse to bake cookies!! I love baking, but I don't like to have cookies around because I will eat them all. This was the perfect way for me to bake and not eat everything in sight. Although there are some left over and I'm trying to think of how to get rid of them, maybe meet some new neighbors??
I put gift bags on the table with some ribbon so everyone could take cookies home. I love this idea. I read an article somewhere that suggested doing it for a bridal shower. All the guests are asked to bring a batch of their favorite cookies and a copy of the recipe for the bride. Then everyone gets to take home cookies and the bride gets a stack of new recipes. Great idea!!!
Avery and Nana. Wow, Mom was a life saver. Even though I had been working on the house and the cookies for three days straight, I just didn't have the energy to get it all done. Luckily Mom helped me finish cleaning and we spent the whole morning getting the food ready. Thanks again Mom, I couldn't have done it without you!
The food table, which is also our new set of cabinets that Scottie made. I am so impressed with his skills. He bought the cabinets and then cut plywood for the back and sides, and cut trim for the corners. Then he painted it and put the counter top on it. I LOVE it!! It really looks good in the kitchen and has given me a lot more storage/counter space. Thank you hubby!
I was trying to take different pictures of the party and everything we had done. My brother-in-law Joe thought I was taking a random picture of him. To be honest I didn't even notice there were people standing there, I was taking a picture of the food table. Which is why everyone is in mid-motion. Oops! ;)
Scottie's Granny, Grandma and Grandpa Conner, and his dad Jeff.
Scottie's family that came to the party, including his "Aunt" Rena (she's really Penny's cousin but more like an Aunt) and his cousin Jesse.
Like every party I go to, I got busy talking and socializing and stopped taking pictures. So sadly I didn't get a picture of my Uncle Mark, Aunt Teresa, and cousins Katie, Amanda and her family. We were so happy they came to celebrate with us, and can't wait to play Things again with the rest of the Jenkins crew! :)
Grace and her cousins caught a butterfly that was definitely in it's last hour of life. Although I think all of their love and "experiments" helped it move on to butterfly heaven a little faster then mother nature intended. I'm not sure what experiments they did, but I know they weren't trying to hurt it. They named it Jessica, drew pictures of her after she passed away, and created a song about Jessica the butterfly. I love how these kids play together, they are so funny to watch.
Grace, Chloe, Dylan, and Ezra help Jessica into her new home. They even put grass in there for her to eat, maybe her last meal? ;) Avery was there "helping" too, but we didn't get a picture of her with them.
After the party Grace was talking about Jessica the butterfly. She said "well Jessica is in heaven now, or maybe hell.... if she killed somebody." I didn't know how to respond and she sounded so serious, so I just waited until she left the room to burst out laughing.
The girls found the dress up box in the basement. This is one of their favorite activities when they get together. Chloe looks so cute in the Snow White costume, but I don't about Grace in her ripped up Star Wars costume from two years ago. She loves it so I guess that's all that matters.
You gotta love cousins!!! The girls were trying to talk us into letting Chloe stay the night, which is something her mom Amanda and did all the time when we were younger. It was almost like going back in time listening to them tell us how it would work even though Chloe didn't have any clothes with her. If I hadn't been totally wiped out from the past few days of party preparations I would have said yes, as long as it worked out with Amanda. But I was about the fall over by the end of the day. We promised the girls we would work something out soon so they could have a sleep over. How could we say no? They get along so well and have the best time together. We will definitely have to do something soon!!
Thanks again to everyone who was able to come. I know there were a lot of people who wanted to, but it just didn't work out. We appreciate every one's notes of encouragement and congratulations. Thank you to all of our family and friends for supporting us the past four years. Not only does it take a village to raise a child, but it takes a village to help someone make it through medical school without losing their mind!