I can't get enough of this kid. He is so stinkin cute. These were taken a couple of weeks ago, so I'm sure he has grown a ton since. I just love his hair. It is the coolest color.
Aaww... so cute. (Carter, not me)
Sorry Christian, it looks like we got a picture of you in mid-speech. But I had to put this picture up, look at that cute little guy! Christian is giving him some formula supplement, or something like that. He's just so tiny! (We need to get some pictures of Emily next time!!)
I love this picture. Grace asked Christian to color with her, so he pulled out his old education supply box from college. I hate to think about all the money we spent on supplies for those classes. We probably bought our weight in page protectors for the 123 portfolios we had to make. (ok, not really 123 but it felt like it) By the way, I'm still a little bitter that Christian got a better grade on our Math Methods portfolio-even though we did ours together and turned in the exact same thing. All the professors liked Christian better than me... paging Dr. Stegemoller and his magic hands! Ha! Ha! Good times then, and we're still having good times with them now. I just wish we lived closer! :(