I had my first doctor's appointment yesterday morning. I was excited to learn that it is routine in this office to do an ultrasound at the first visit. Luckily Scottie was able to come, the office is attached to the medical school and he just came up after class. It was so neat, and I have to admit a big relief for me to see the baby and it's little heartbeat. It's a strong heartbeat at 175. It made everything seem a lot more real to me. I don't know what's been going on with me, but ever since I saw that plus sign on the pregnancy test I've been petrified of miscarrying. To be honest the thought didn't really cross my mind when I was pregnant with Grace. But since we moved here we have had a few women in our church have miscarriages, and my one friend had two second trimester miscarriages, all in the time that we've been here. Also with the sad tragedy of my cousin Amanda's recent loss of baby Felix at 24 weeks, I've just thought a lot about how the Lord gives and takes away. No one should ever have to go through this, but I know it's a reality and I've been praying so hard since we found out we were pregnant. Scottie thinks I'm worrying too much, and I'm really trying to leave it in God's hands, so maybe you could help me out with a little bit of prayer.
Okay, back to the doctor's appointment. You will have to use a little imagination to see the baby in the picture. We could see it a little bit better in the office. But he/she is there! You may have noticed that my baby ticker was moved back a week. That's because I'm not quite as far along as we thought. So my new due date is November 25th. That's right, a Thanksgiving baby. So if anyone wants to visit over thanksgiving, please bring some turkey and pumpkin pie! :) I have a feeling I won't be cooking around that time. Until then I'll keep you updated on baby #2's ( or as Grace has lovingly named it "lollipop") progress.
I'll definitely keep you my prayers. I'm just so grateful that God has decided to bless you with another one. I understand how long and hard the "waiting" for a baby can be. So I wait anxiously for the updates as they come in. Love you lots!
How exciting to see baby Scott!! I pray for you all everyday. Enjoy every moment of it... November will come before you know it! Love you all.
Count my vote for "Lollipop" as the new kid's name. That's 2 with me and Grace.
Thanks for the vote Curt, but the person who actually labors AND delivers the baby gets the final vote. I'm still on the fence with Lollipop, so you'll just have to wait and see. :)
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