On Saturday the ambulance people (for lack of a better term) had a Kid's Fair to help promote health awareness. The fire department was there, as well as a policeman with his K-9 dogs. They had a jumping house, a big blow-up slide, and pony rides. One of my favorite things was the free lunch!! They gave out grilled hot dogs, chips, cookies, and Pepsi. You gotta love free food!! Grace loved riding her pony
Gypsy. There was another horse tied up that you could pet. It was hard to get her to go do anything else. She loves horses so much! Maybe Grandpa should consider getting one, he's got the room. :) :)

Afterwards we headed to
Wal-Mart, because let's face there's no where else to go in K-ville. We saw that the
McDonald's across the parking lot was having a customer
appreciation day. They had several animals out for the kids to pet. Grace couldn't tear herself away from the chickens. She wasn't scared at all to pick them up. In fact we had to force to stop so we could go grocery shopping. She is such a farm girl.

They let her get in the pen with the baby sheep. I made the comment that we use to have baby sheep like that in our basement, and then realized how weird that sounded. So mom and dad, why did we have baby sheep in our basement?? I know we eventually moved them to the barn but it seems so random to have them in the basement. I miss Betsy and what ever the other one's name was. They were stupid, but sweet. I"m sure dad doesn't miss them. I think they were a bit of a pain. Anyway... Grace thought they were pretty cute.

The last animals they had were two baby calves. Grace got to bottle feed one of them. I think this picture is so sweet. She had so much fun playing with all the animals. Like I said we had to make her leave so we could shop. As we walked away Scottie and I were discussing how it was kind of disturbing for
McDonald's to have chickens and cows in front of their store. Luckily they had enough sense not to offer free samples of cheeseburgers or chicken nuggets. That's a good way to turn the children of the world into vegetarians. Of course I do not oppose
vegetarianism, it's just not a very good marketing plan. What do you think?
Sheep really are pretty stupid although very cute! Grace really needs to be living in the country guys. You can see it on her face. Anyway, I hope the pregnancy is going well. I would love to see you while you are home next week, hint hint!
Absouletly!! I was going to email you and see if there is a day that you are available for lunch or dinner. Scottie plans on studying 16 hours everyday, so my schedule is pretty wide open. Email me and let me know if you have any free time. :)
Riss, I need your mailing address so that I can send you a birth announcement for Gideon. They turned out soooo cute. My hotmail addres is calic920
Love ya!
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