Here's Grace on the morning of her 5th birthday. We let her open a few presents that morning and a few more at dinner that night. She was so happy when she woke up and saw presents and a My Little Pony balloon. Kingsley on the other hand was not happy, he's scared to death of balloons. I'm not sure what he's doing in the background, he's such a strange dog!
Nana came to visit on Gracie's birthday. Her teacher gave her a birthday homework bag to do at home that night. The assignment was to read the two stories while holding Paddington the bear. I read one and Nana read the other. Then she had to paint two pictures using the paint and rollers in the bag. The last thing was to take a picture of Gracie and the bear with the disposable camera provided. Her teacher loves to take pictures, and she said she will make each student a little album at the end of the year. We had to sign a paper that said we agreed to develop two rolls of film for the teacher during the school year. I don't blame her because developing all those pictures would be expensive, and I can't wait to get her little picture book in May.
Since it was her birthday, Grace got to choose where we went to eat that night. Because she is my child, she picked Olive Garden. We LOVE Olive Garden, probably more than we should. :) She always orders fettuccine alfredo, just like I always order chicken parmigiana. We are creatures of habit. We usually have to take her pasta home because she fills up on salad and bread sticks, but I don't mind because it just makes lunch the next day easy for me.
Gracie really wanted a cake on her actual birthday, but since we had baked cupcakes the day before I really didn't want anymore cake laying around the house. I thought it would be fun to order the little cake from Olive Garden and have them come out and sing to her. Grace did not agree with me. When the server brought out the cake and shouted "attention everyone, we have a special birthday today" she knew it was for her. The look on her face in the picture was the exact face she had the whole time they were singing. She later said that it embarrassed her. So note to self, don't surprise Grace in public! She is so much like her dad! But overall she had a good birthday. She got a new webkinz from Nana. So now she has two, and she plays with them both online. (*A webkinz is a stuffed animal that has a code that you can log onto a website. It's basically a virtual pet online. You can feed it, buy clothes and furniture for it, and play games. Now that she has two they can live together and play together. I don't really get into it, but Grace and Scottie play it together. So it's something fun for them to do.) Now when she gets birthday money in the mail she thinks she needs to go buy more webkinz. I think she's becoming obsessed. She is really looking forward to her birthday party on Saturday! I just can't believe she is already five years old. It seems like yesterday that we were changing diapers!
Oh the look on her face is priceless!! It does draw attention when they do come out and sing. Too cute...thats ok cuz' when i go out to eat i always order the same thing..chicken strips with ranch
Wow you have a five year old! I mean my sister has a 7 year old, but still the thought makes me feel old since my baby is still literaly a baby. Oh well. Happy Belated birthday to Gracie!
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