Getting ready to leave the hospital. We decided to come home a day early. Scottie and I were both becoming extremely bored at the hospital and we missed Grace a lot. I was also having a lot of trouble with the bed there. It was hands down the worst hospital bed ever created!! Since I was feeling okay, and my incision and blood work were both good the doctor discharged us on Sunday.
Gracie was so happy that we came home early. She was missing us, even though she loved having her Nana at the house. I love this picture. It is too sweet.
I'm sure my dad is going to have a couple of things to say about this picture. But I love it!! Kingsley just sniffed a few times and that was it. When we brought Grace home it was a whole different story. He did not like her, and continued to dislike her for about two years. Now they are buddies. I guess he has learned to just go with the flow. I wish he would feel that way about vacuum cleaners, hair dryers, blenders, brooms, etc.....
I had to show off the many bracelets I had to wear in the hospital. I felt like I was living in the 80's again with my five bracelets up my arm. I couldn't wait to get home and cut these off, they were so annoying!! -- I can't believe how round my belly is in this picture. But I am happy to say as of Friday I have lost twenty pounds!!! Twenty pounds in one week, I'm feeling pretty good. Especially since the weight came off VERY slowly with Grace. I'm hoping I can lose the rest of it pretty quickly!!
What can I say? This is too cute for words!! (except my bloated face in the background. Thank goodness that went away after a few of days.)
Love the new pictures! The pic of avery and grace was too cute. Can't wait to see you guys!
What a little doll! I am sooooo excited for you guys!
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