Here are some recent pictures. Poor Avery can't get a good shot of herself. Her face is either squished or looking funky. Especially the last one. It's like she is saying "you lookin at me?" Or as my friend Jessica from Evansville would say "you lookin at me or you chewin bricks? Cuz either way your teef are falling out!" You just had to know her to understand. Anyway, not the point of my post. --- I just wanted to share a few pictures while Avery is sleeping in her CRIB!!! I couldn't believe it. I had to call Scottie at work to let him know that she cried herself to sleep in less than ten minutes. This has NEVER happened in her 7 weeks of life. I almost don't know what to do with myself. Actually I do know what to do and that is clean. So I am going to get off of here before this dream ends!! :)
She looks like you in that last picture.
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