This year we wanted to make sure the real reason for Easter was celebrated. So instead of just having the girls baskets sitting out when they got up, we created a scavenger hunt that told the Easter story. Of course like all good ideas, I came up with this at 11:00 the night before. Grace had a really good time finding her basket. Please excuse her hair, it was crazy this morning.
Her first clue said:
Matthew 21:
Jesus entered Jerusalem riding on a donkey's colt. A very large crowd spread their coats on the road. Others cut branches from the trees and spread them on the road. Shouting "Hosanna! Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest!"
*Go find a branch* She figured out that she needed to go to our little tree to get her next clue.
It said:
Matthew 26
Jesus celebrated the Passover Feast with His disciples in a large upstairs room. Jesus broke bread, gave thanks, and said "Take it, this is my body." Then He poured the wine and said "This is my blood poured out to forgive the sins of many."
*This was called the last supper. Go to the place where we eat our supper.
Her third clue:
Matthew 26
Jesus stayed up all night praying. He was very sad because he knew what was going to happen. He asked his friends to stay up and pray with him. But they fell asleep. Then Jesus was arrested.
*Go to the place where you sleep.
Fourth clue:
Matthew 27
Jesus was put on a cross because he said that He was the Son of God, but some people didn't believe Him. When He died, He died to take away all of our sins. He never did anything wrong, but He died for us so we can be forgiven when we do wrong things.
*Go to the place where we keep a cross.
Sorry this is sideways, I forgot to turn it. We have a cross hanging above our front door. Grace is trying to jump up and reach the fifth clue:
Matthew 28
Jesus was buried in a tomb and guards watched it everyday. On the third day Jesus's friends found the tomb empty and an angel told them that Jesus had risen from the dead. We are so happy that Jesus became alive again!
*Go to the place where mommy has to empty out things everyday. (Grace knew right away to go look in the dryer. I thought it would take her a while, but she's too smart! When I said that we were happy that Jesus is alive, she started jumping up and down. It was really sweet.)
Scottie wasn't so sure about the dryer thing, but I thought it was cute. It reminded me of an empty tomb, and I really think laundry is going to be the death of me! ;) Grace really liked the scavenger hunt, and we were glad that we were able to talk about the Easter story instead of just giving her stuff. We will have to think up new clues for next year.
Happy Easter everyone! We are truly grateful for Jesus's sacrifice and His gift of eternal life!
That was such a great idea, I loved it & I can see that Gracie did too. Kiss the girls for us, hopefully we'll get to see you all soon.
I loved what you did...Avery looks so interested in her basket. Such cute kids if I do say so myself..Love you all!
What a great idea! Amanda should do that for Chloe, Dylan, and Ezra next year.
That is a GREAT idea! I've been looking for ways to celebrate Jesus and what he did for us instead of all the Easter hype...thanks for sharing your idea!
On Sunday I saw that her sunday school teacher gave us another idea for next year. Write the story out on several slips of paper and then put the paper in plastic easter eggs. Then the kids have to find all the eggs and put them in order together. I might try that next year!
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