A: Addiction: Doritos
B: Breakfast (what you eat) ~ Cereal
C: Chocolate or Chips ~ Uhh... look at my addiction
D: Dessert or Appetizers ~ Appetizers :Outback Cheese Fries (but I don't eat them because they have about an entire days worth of calories in them)
E: Essential Items ~ Wallet, Diapers, Jacket (I'm always cold)
F: Favorite Color ~ Purple
G: Gummy Bears or Gummy Worms ~ Cinnamon Bears
H: Hometown ~ Brazil,IN (technically it's CenterPoint,IN)
I: Indulgence ~ Going to the movies with Scottie
J: January or July ~ July baby, I hate the cold!
K: Kids ~ Grace and Avery
L: Life isn’t complete without ~ Friends
M: Most exciting memory ~ My wedding day, and the birth of my two girls ( I was put out during Gracie's birth. But the next day was great!)
N: Number of brothers & sisters ~ 1 brother -Curt 1 sister- Kelsey
1 step-sister -Jill
O: Oranges or Apples ~ I heart apples!!
P: Phobias or Fears ~ I've got some weird ones, but one of them is being trapped in a fire. But what I'm really scared of is having my house catch on fire while we are away and Kingsley can't get out. I'm having anxiety just typing it.
Q: Quote ~ "Those who love are never alone." (I've had that saying on a plaque for years)
R: Reading currently ~ I got a free book from Mom2Mom a couple of weeks ago. It's called "Mama Said There'd Be Days Like This." It's a christian author who talks about the craziness of motherhood and how our relationship with God works through it all. She is hilarious. I'm really enjoying it.
S: Summer or Spring ~ Spring - not too hot, not too cold
T: Tag 6 People ~ Cali, Amber, Sara B., Tabitha (those are the only ones I can think of with blogs)
U: Unknown fact about me ~ I wanted to be a professional dancer, but was too scared that I would always be poor. Sometimes I wish I would have had the guts to go for it. (I actually had a prof. dancer see a video of me dancing in high school and wanted to know why I wasn't pursuing it in college. I thought that was pretty cool.)
V: Vacation I want to go on ~ England, Ireland, France (anywhere in Europe)
W: Walking or Running ~ I am not a runner!
X: X-Ray or Ultrasound ~ Ultrasound, I love to see the babies!
Y: Your favorite Food ~ Anything Italian
Z: Zoo or Bowling ~ Zoo, I think bowling is dirty. I hate wearing shoes after other people, and I'm always afraid of getting some strange fungal infection from using the balls. (I don't know.... don't ask)