Calgon.... Take Me Away!
I don't really like Calgon, but I really feel like that today. My only realible source of napping for Avery is gone. If I can't get her to sleep in her crib during the day I can usually stick her in the swing. I've noticed lately that it has been hit or miss with the swing and today it has entered a whole new level of frustration. My freakishly strong baby tries to sit up on her own and gets herself laying sideways in the swing, and then procedes to scream bloody murder. (Like she is doing right now while I type.) Do they make full body restraints for infants? ;) Just kidding! But seriously, I am at the end of my rope today. Scottie is still on his surgery rotation, and he didn't come home until 1 or 1:30 last night. Avery decided to stay up until almost midnight, and it took me from 8:30-10:20 to get Grace asleep. Needless to say there were lots of tears shed last night, and they weren't all from the kids. The crazy thing is that as we are praying for Scottie to find out what he wants to specialize in, surgery is the one that keeps coming up. He loves it a lot, but is hesitant about the time commiment. It's a five year residency, and they work you like a dog. A speaker at his school told his class that the divorce rate among surgery residents is around 75%. That should tell you had hard and time consuming it really is. I've been encouraging him to do whatever makes him happy, even if it's surgery. But after last night I'm not feeling so confident! I know that if this is God's will for Scottie, then He will help us through the rough spots that are sure to come. Maybe it will be better once Avery gets older. If not, I might just look into that full body restraint thing...
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