I forgot to mention that we had a cat living on our back deck for 24 hours. It happened about a week before Scottie left for Mississippi. We were talking a walk around the neighborhood after dinner when we spotted a cat walking around. Of course Grace had to stop and pet it, and talk to it, and give us the sad face that said "I really want a cat." But she knows we can't have one where we live right now, so she didn't push it. The only problem was that the cat started following us. We tried to see if it belonged to the people where we found it, but they wouldn't answer the door. (They looked out their window at us, but wouldn't come to the door. That's neighborly love for ya!) So we figured it didn't belong to them. Needless to say it followed us all the way home. Great!
This was Grace's face after we told her for the twentieth time that we were not keeping the cat. She was so sad, it was heartbreaking. Finally we told her she could get some cat food from our neighbor Linda and we would call the humane society in the morning. That seemed okay with her.
The cat, which Grace named Pearl, was still there when she got home from her early start program the next afternoon. I called the humane society, but they weren't open that day. So I called animal control, but I didn't like the way the woman told me that it would be checked out, and if it wasn't adoptable it would be euthanized. She sounded so casual, you would have thought she was telling me the daily specials from a restaurant menu. I know they see hundreds of dogs and cats without homes and unfortunately they can't keep them all, but have a little bit of compassion lady! Needless to say animal control was out of the question. I was willing to pay the $20.00 fee at the humane society because it's a no kill shelter. I had no doubts that this little cutie would be adopted quick.
I mean look at this!!! How cute is this little kitty?
It loved Gracie from the start. We soon discovered that Pearl loved all children. Grace petted Pearl before going to school the next morning and then the kitty just hung out on our deck for a while. By the time I went to call the humane society Pearl was no where to be found. When Grace got home at lunch time she immediately went looking for her. She ended up talking to the neighbors who live behind us. She's a middle aged woman who runs a day care in her home. Apparently Pearl heard the kids and slid through the fence into her yard. She didn't know we had been taking care of it, and gave it to the neighbors across from her. She said they take in strays and either keep them or find homes for them. I could tell that Grace was sad, but she was also glad that Pearl had someone to take good care of her. I'm glad I didn't have to fork over any money for Pearl to have a good home. But I would have, because it would have mattered to Grace.
Thanks Pearl for coming into our lives, and giving us a little bit of joy for a while. I'm glad you found a good home. I hope, when the time is right, we find another kitty as sweet as you!
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