We were so blessed to have Scottie's only weekend off be the last one before Jude makes his arrival on Thursday. Not only does it help me avoid doing last minute preparations by myself, but we get to spend some quality time as a family before things get a little crazy for a while.
The residency program at one of his hospitals sponsored a family event a Youngs Dairy Farm. We had a really good time. They fed us lunch, gave us bracelets that allowed us to do all of the activities for free, and we were able to get a free pumpkin. The weather was perfect and the girls really enjoyed it!!
The first thing Grace wanted to do was the miniature golf. I was having some stomach and back pains from all the walking we did from the parking lot to the lunch shelter, so we only played four or five holes. Grace wasn't too happy about that, but she got over it pretty quickly since there was a lot more to do.
Avery jumped right in there and started playing. It was so cute!
Getting a little help from Daddy.
Oh my word, that woman swallowed one of the pumpkins!!! Oh wait... that's me. (I'm not sure why my back end looks deformed.)
Grace loves to slide on the big slides. Avery wanted to go, but she wasn't tall enough. Maybe next year, but I doubt it. For some reason she likes to stay on the tiny side.
First time up to bat. We put her in the slowest cage, but it was still 30 mph. She said it hurt to hit the ball, but she kept going.
Here it comes, I can see it!!
Yeah... not even close.
My poor little baby got hit in the finger with a ball. It happened in the middle of her turn, but she was afraid to turn around and tell us because she thought she would get hit again. So she kept hitting the balls even though she was in a lot of pain. She said, "I just told myself to be tough." It broke my heart to know she was in pain but didn't say anything. She has a pretty nasty bruise on her knuckle, and has declared that she will not be going to the batting cages ever again!!
Waiting in line for the bucket ride.
Avery was suppose to ride with her big sister, but she told Scottie "I ride wif Daddy." That wasn't a part of his plan, but he did it anyway. Such a good Daddy.
Ready to go!
We never have trouble getting the girls close to animals. They feed and pet goats every chance they get. They are both farm girls at heart.
Avery said, "he likes me!"
She thought the goat food was free for the taking. Better learn early girl, nothing is free!!
You can't go to a dairy farm and not get ice cream!! It was good ice cream, but Scottie and I both agreed that it's better to eat it plain. We both got some with candy pieces mixed in, but the ice cream is good enough on it's own. Avery's strawberry was the best.
Does that look like one scoop to you? Next time we'll get the kiddie cone!
Avery kept mooing, so I couldn't get a good picture of her face.
I know I say it a lot, but I love these girls!!
I know exactly how that pumpkin feels!! But just a few more days and we will become a party of five!! Can't wait to bring our little guy with us next year!