I have finally washed all of the baby clothes. It may not look like much, but everything is stacked up pretty high. Unfortunately Daddy forgot to buy more hangers when he went to the store for me the other night, so that huge pile of clothes on top of the couch will have to wait a day or two until I can hang them. I washed them all in Dreft, and it smells so good. It makes me excited to think a little baby will be filling them out soon!!
This is honestly one of the first times I have been truly excited about having another baby. I know that sounds awful, but this surprise has been hard for me to process emotionally. But now that it is getting closer, I'm getting excited. I've had a lot of thoughts go through my head since we found out, and I'm sure I'll talk about them sometime....
We've had the swing down in the living room for a couple of weeks now. Avery likes to push it and say "baby brother." It's about the only thing she has said was his, everything else is hers. Even today as I was folding the new blankets she grabbed one, rubbed it all over her snotty face, and said "my bankie." It's sad, but all I could think was - it won't smell like dreft if you do that!!! I think I have issues with Dreft.
Below the swing is my "new" boppy. I got it at a great baby resale store called "Once Upon A
Child." These are great places to buy children's clothes and accessories for a good price. I know we have sold clothes there before and got a good price for them. It really depends on the area of the store. The one down the road from us doesn't have much at all, which isn't surprising since we live in a not so classy part of Dayton. But 20 minutes away, in the nice part of town, they have awesome clothes!!! Mom found this boppy for $10.00, and it is in great condition!!! I love a good deal!
I'll post more pictures as we get things organized. Hopefully we can get his room a little more organized and decorated soon. But since he's the third, don't expect too much. We've learned our lesson and know that babies don't really care how much you decorate their room. ;)
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