I bought this cute Valentine decoration at Hobby Lobby the other day, but I guess I didn't look at it very closely. Otherwise I would have noticed that it said LOVL instead of LOVE. I hate taking things back, but this is a pretty bad mistake so I will be dragging myself back into Hobby Lobby to exchange it. How did this get past several people? The worker who made it, the person who packaged it, the store employee who unpacked it and hung it in the store, and the dodo who bought it?
I started something new this year for Valentine's day. When I brought this stuff home Scottie asked, "so which blog did you get this idea from?" I was a little mad, but had to laugh because I did see the mailboxes on someones blog. But everything else was my idea!! I sewed the fabric, filled the bucket with paper, pens, and stickers, and labeled our mailboxes. Every day we write a note to each other and say one thing we love about that person. Then we read them at dinner. We'll do it every night until Valentine's day. It has been a lot of fun, and encouraging to hear what someone else loves about you.
Sorry this is sideways, but I couldn't get it to turn. It's Gracie's first note. She didn't quite get the concept, and wrote an apology note for her behavior that morning. Even though it wasn't what I told her to do I loved it just the same. I love that she would take the time to say she was sorry for acting up that day. For Scottie she told him that we are getting an early summer. (It was ground hog's day, obviously!) Now she writes things like " I love you becus you or spishel." I'm going to keep her cards so I can look at them when she's old enough to spell special, and wish I had that little kindergartner again.
I think this is going to be a yearly tradition. It has been a really positive thing for our family. Especially me, as a girl, it's nice to get notes from your husband that tell you things like:
"I think you are so beautiful."
"I love how you take care of me and the girls."
"I love that your are such a great mommy."
Seriously, who doesn't love hearing things like that?? Yep, we will definitely being doing this again. :)
That's hilarious about the sign! I can't believe it made it to the shelves either. I love your idea for the Valentine's notes! That will be a great tradition for your family.
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