On our way!! This is actually in the Orlando Airport. She saw someone with their ears on, so she had to put hers on right away. We had an early flight, but thankfully it was a direct flight. I was so tired by the time we got there. I'm glad we decided not to do a park the first day, it made for a more relaxing day. I highly suggest that idea, it made the day not so hectic.
Grace cracks me up when we fly. She likes to read all of the safety procedures. It's always good to be prepared! :)
Jude did pretty well on the flight to Orlando. Even though we woke him up super early, he stayed awake for most of the morning. We just kept feeding him baby puffs and occasionally stood up at the back of the plane, he stayed fairly happy. Such a good baby!
Avery didn't do too bad either. It was a little hard for her to stay in one place, but we made it there without too much drama.
I on the other hand had a horrible time at the end. The night before I felt like I was getting a cold, but now I think it was sinus troubles. As we started to descend I got a stabbing pain above my right eye. Once the pressure hit my head my sinuses felt like they were going to explode...literally. I've never been known to create a scene in public, but I'm pretty sure I looked like a weirdo during the last ten minutes of the flight. The pain in my eye and head were so bad that I was crying uncontrollably and rocking back and forth in my seat. It hurt to touch my eye, but it hurt even worse if I didn't put some kind of pressure on it. I have never been in that much pain, and this is from someone who's recovered from three c-sections. It finally eased up when we landed, but it still throbbed for a couple of hours. What a way to start a vacation!!
The kids were getting pretty tired by the time we got loaded up at the airport. Jude just kept his little blanket up to his face for a long time. Traveling is hard for little ones, but flying is sooo much better than driving!
On the Magical Express and heading to Disney World!!!!
None of us were surprised that it only took Avery 5 minutes to find something to mess with in the hotel room. I'm not kidding, we had only been in the room about 5 minutes before she found the sink and proceeded to fill it up. Luckily Grace noticed her before the sink overflowed. Oh this girl....
Since we didn't get tickets for the first day we spent the afternoon in the pool after lunch. Avery is just like her big sister and is a natural in the water. Just give her some floaties and she is good to go. She was even jumping off the side, but only if someone is close by. I love watching her swim, it makes her so happy.
We were anxious to see how Jude would react to his first time in a pool. Thankfully he LOVED it!! With two pool loving big sisters, it's important that he likes the water. Otherwise we would have some troubles. Not this little guy, he had a blast splashing around in the pool.
The only problem we had with Grace was keeping track of her. She LOVES LOVES LOVES to swim and takes no time at all finding her way around the pool. The slide was a big hit. I'm glad we took the time to relax and swim instead of trying to race around a park. It actually felt like we were on vacation just hanging out in the water listening to fun music! :)
Kelsey and Joe drove over to spend time with us since they only live about two hours away. Sadly this is the only picture I got of her. We spent the entire next day at the Magic Kingdom with them and I didn't get one single picture. It was a lot harder to remember pictures on this trip. Too many little ones to keep track of, and it was stinkin' hot!!
This picture was taken on the bus as we headed to Downtown Disney for dinner.
We ate at Raglan Road Irish Pub. Scottie and I had gone there the last time we went to Disney and really liked the food. It wasn't quite as good this time, but Kelsey said her and Joe enjoyed their ribs.
Jude got to experience the tartness of a lemon. He made the funniest faces! But it didn't stop him from eating quite a bit of it.
They had Irish dancers (from Ireland) performing while we there. Graced was so excited to see them. She has been wanting to take lessons for a while now, and there is a studio not too far from our house, but the lessons and costumes are just too expensive for us to afford right now.
Maybe someday!
Grace, Joe, and Nana were doing a little bit of Irish dancing after dinner. :)
There is a huge Lego store in Downtown Disney. They had several of these Lego creations outside of the store. It's amazing what they can do with those little plastic blocks!
We finally got back to the hotel and the kids needed to go to bed. Kelsey,Joe, and Mom hung out by the pool and talked out some wedding plans. Scottie borrowed Kelsey's car and got some stuff at the store for us, and I put the little ones to bed. We had lights off and trying to settle down when I noticed the light show going on outside our window. We stayed at the Contemporary Hotel and had a view of the lake. It was so cool to open our window and see the light show going down the lake and hearing the music. I finally got them all to sleep and try to get some sleep myself since we were headed to the Magic Kingdom the next day!!! :)
1 comment:
wow! I'm so jealous of your Disney adventure! How I wish to have a grand Disney vacation with my kids too. If you have kids with you, I recommend Stroller Rental in Disney.
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