I love how excited Grace gets for the first day of school. It's the only day in the entire year I don't have any trouble getting her up. She jumped out of bed and had her clothes on in record time. I did notice, however, that she didn't eat all of her breakfast. On the way to school she confessed to being nervous. Her school got split up in the redistricting so not all of her friends from last year will be at her new school. Her best friend Taniyah is going to a different school. She got a little teary eyed talking about her this morning. I'm sure she'll make lots of new friends, and we still have Taniyah over to play, so I'm not worried.
How cute is my girl? This is the outfit she picked out for the first day of school. She wanted it pulled back with her matching panda ponytail holder. This girl is very particular about her look, just like her Daddy. ;) Which is a good thing!!
Grace wanted me to take her on the first day instead of riding the bus. I'm so glad I got to do it. I wouldn't have been able to walk last year due to some lovely contractions, but this year we had a smooth morning. The parking lot was full so we had to park and walk for quite a bit, but it was such a beautiful day we didn't mind. I tried to take a quick picture of her new school. There were a lot of people behind us so this was the best shot I could get. Look at that sky? Could the day be any more perfect?
New cafeteria!!! No more eating in the gym! Woo Hoo!!
Gracie's brand new classroom. Of course the school isn't anywhere close to being done. The library was full of boxes, there was a big spot in the entrance hall that will probably be filled with colored tile or the school name. But all in all the morning seemed to go pretty smoothly. We walked in, found her room, and started unpacking.
Avery and Jude along for the ride! :)
I am sooooo thankful I got to take her to school. I wouldn't have missed it for the world. I think it made her feel better to have us with her as she tried to find her way around the building and her classroom. Her teacher is young and seems nice. I'm sure the past week has been stressful for all the teachers. But it looked like she had her room ready to function on the first day.
Saying goodbye to Sissy!! I know they'll miss each other, but a little time a part everyday will be good for them. At least it will cut down on the fighting that seems to erupt when they've been together too long.
On the way back to the van Avery wanted to do what the other kids were doing by peeking through a hole in this fence. Let our adventures begin!!