We woke up Saturday morning and decided on a whim to go to the zoo. I'm so glad we did, it was a lot of fun. It was a little hot, but no one complained.
The first thing we saw was a zoo worker holding a snake. Of course I would have been perfectly happy to walk on by, but the girls wanted to see it. Avery wasn't afraid at all. She walked right up to it and petted it. Look how close it's tongue is to her hand. It freaks me out a bit!
Okay, this really freaks me out! But it didn't bother Avery.
Grace always has to feed goats when we go to a petting zoo. She has such a big heart for animals. In this picture she's trying to get the goats to move so she can feed the sheep that's being butted out of the way. She can't let an injustice like that go by while she's around!!
Here's my Judey Bear chilling out at the petting zoo. He was starting to get sleepy and was content to just sit and look at everything.
Love him!!!! I've never wanted a baby stage to slow down has much as I do right now. On one hand I can't wait to see him turn into a little boy and starting walking/talking. But knowing he's my last baby I'm trying to hold on to this snugly little thing a little longer. (But not too long, I don't want a whiny momma's boy on my hand. :)
Avery grooming the goats.
The bird house was a big hit! Avery had a blast feeding the birds with her popsicle stick of bird food. Sometimes she didn't give the bird enough time to pick anything off before she moved on to the next one. But she finally figured it out.
Grace opted for the sugar water food. She had a bird on her shoulder and her hand. I don't know how she stood so still.
Oh how I love this picture. A bird landed on Scottie's shoulder and Jude just stared at him. It looks like he's looking for some reassurance from Daddy that the bird isn't going to hurt him.
It didn't take long for Jude to feel comfortable with the bird. He just studied it like he does EVERYTHING!! Nothing gets past this little observer.
He even tried to pet it, but it flew away.
Grace had this bird doing some balancing tricks in order to get it's food! :)
Nothing helps a hot sticky day at the zoo like cotton candy ice cream!!
Let me just say that I will NEVER step foot into the insect house again. I HATE bugs, but the girls wanted to go in, and of course they loved it. They oohed and ahhed over every creeping little bug. Whatever floats your boat, but it's just not my thing.
Three sweaty, happy, tired kiddos leaving the zoo.
What a great way to spend the day!
On our way home we decided to stop at IKEA to look around. We didn't get through the whole store, but we did pick up some fun stuff!
We've never eaten in their cafe, and I'm glad we stayed to eat. Kids eat free there right now so we were able to eat cheap!! The food was actually pretty good, and I love the atmosphere. Avery said her favorite part of IKEA was the meatballs, who knew! ;) There's a little play area in the cafe which allowed us to eat without inhaling our food. Usually Avery is done way before us and gets pretty restless. We could see her play from our table, so we got to take our time and eat and talk. It was a lot of fun!
Jude went crazy for the mashed potatoes. He kept banging on the table for more!! Don't get between this boy and his food!
Jude and I headed out to the car while Scottie and the girls were checking out. He thought he was big stuff sitting in the drivers seat.
I don't even want to think about him growing up and driving a car. Nope...not going to think about it.
Fun, fun, fun day!!! I would say that this was one of the best days we've had since moving here. Can't wait for another impromptu adventure! :)
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