It seems so unreal to me that we've had Jude in our family for a whole year. While the timing of adding to our little family was not the best, we couldn't have asked for a better addition. He has brought so much joy into our house, especially during such a stressful time in our life. Of course having a baby made it all that more stressful, but I wouldn't trade him for the world. The one word that comes to mind when I think of him is...blessing. He has been such a blessing to us, and we fall more in love with him everyday!!! We are so thankful that God brought him to us.
I remember when I was just a few weeks pregnant, and still wasn't totally excited to be having another baby. I was VERY worried about the amount of work that was going to be added to my already busy life. Plus we knew residency was going to be crazy, so that was another worry. Let's not even get started on my vain worries about weight gain and having to lose weight after I had just lost all of Avery's pregnancy pounds!
I clearly remember getting ready for my Mom2Mom meeting one morning, and was stressed trying to get Grace ready for school, Avery reading for the meeting, and the few things I was in charge of to bring with me. I was frazzled and in tears because all I kept thinking was "I'm not going to make it with three. I barely keep up with two. I'm going to go under when this baby comes." I got to church, put Avery in the childcare, and headed to the meeting. I tried to put my emotions in check and try to enjoy the time with my group. I don't think I did a very good job because one of the sweet ladies in my group, Nadia, asked if I was okay. I told her a little bit of what was going through my mind that morning. I told her I felt like Satan was trying to whisper all those negative thoughts into my ear, and I was listening. I will NEVER forget what she said to me. She said "You know why he's doing that don't you? He knows that baby is going to be someone great someday." Wow. I'm crying just remembering that morning. It was the first time I had viewed this baby as someone who would grow up and have the potential to do great things. Not just another mouth to feed, diaper to change, more laundry to wash. But a real person, with real talents, who can make a difference in the world. And now that he's here, I can already see that she was right. He is going to be great, I just know it!!! Thanks for those words Nadia.
Whoa, I didn't know I was going to write all of that in this post. ;)
On to the party!! I made a "Watch Me Grow" banner. I got the idea from the blog Homemade by Jill. It was so cute, and easy to make. I put a newborn picture at the start and ended with a picture I had taken a few days before his party. Then I made one for each month of his life. I really like the way it turned out. I may start doing this for the girls, but just do a picture each year. Avery's will be a little short this year, but we'll keep adding to it. :)
Here's the last six months.
Our little prince!
How cute is this boy??!! I made the onesie right before the party. I just cut the number out of fabric and used a heat bond iron on. I had big plans to sew around it and make it look nice, but I ran out of time. I think it still turned out cute!
Wiped out parents with their third and precious baby.
Scottie was on night float at the time, which is the cause for our exhaustion. Jude is looking at him like "hey, where have you've been?"
Scottie started to give Jude his cake, but we forgot to put a candle in it. This is his face when the cake was briefly taken away. Hilarious!!
He still looks a little worried. He really wanted that cake!
Oh yeah, he didn't waste any time getting into the frosting.
Don't take it!!
Starting to dig a little more.
That's the stuff!!
We'll have to work on table manners. :)
Since we're cruel people, and enjoy teasing our children, we took away his cake again. Just for the reaction. I know, we're mean.
Licking the plate clean. This kid doesn't mess around!
Happy boy.
This is the only picture I got of my mom. But I like it.
Pure sweetness.
After a quick rinse in the bath, he was ready for presents.
He tried to do some of it himself, but he has an impatient older sister who "helped" with most of the unwrapping.
Woo Hoo, we finally have some boy toys in the house! :)
Playing with his presents.
I love this picture of Jeff and Penny with the kids.
Scottie's grandparents came over for the party. We love being closer to his family now. We've always lived the farthest from them since we started school, so we saw them the least. But now we're only an hour away, and it's great!!
Happy Birthday Jude. You truly are a blessing to everyone!
Larissa, I just found your blog again! I can't believe Grace is 8! I remember when she was toddling around Deer Run our first year teaching together! :) Check out our growing family at Love, Chrisy
Nice article with good images. Thanks for sharing.
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