The little baby birds waiting for breakfast. Avery wasn't quite awake yet, but she heard us getting ready so she wanted up too.
Waiting for the bus! It was cold and rainy this morning so we had to put on jackets to wait at the bus stop. It's suppose to warm up later today, so I hope she is okay in her shorts. We could have switched outfits, but this was her first day of school outfit and she didn't want to change it! I think she'll be fine. The only problem we ran into this morning was her hair. Oh, that hair! She has been blessed with an abundance of thick curly hair. Some women pay hundreds of dollars on products to get the body and volume that she has naturally. But does Grace appreciate that? No way! She won't let me do anything to her hair. She ran around screaming this morning when I plugged in the curling iron. It was too early to fight with her, so the ribbon is the most I could do without her having a fit. I don't think she will ever let me do cute things to her hair with pretty bows. She's a free spirit, what can I say?
Avery got to wear her new jacket that her her Uncle Joe bought her. She is so patient in the morning while we wait for the bus.
Sisters playing while we wait.
Grace was becoming impatient. I asked her what that face was for and she said she was ready for the bus to come now!! I'm so glad that she is excited about school and not hanging on to me and crying. Although it would be nice if she was a little sad to be away from me. Again, she's a free spirit!!
This was the only picture I could get because she was running so fast to get on the bus.
I drove over to the school to get a picture of her on her first day. I thought I would have to fight to get a parking spot, and elbow my way in the hallway to get a picture. But I was the only parent in the entire school. It was a little strange. I couldn't believe that no one else came to take pictures. It worked out for me, but it was still weird. Grace seemed so comfortable to be there, and she was ready to start her day. I will try and post some of her thoughts tonight after she gets home. But for now I'm going to try and figure out what to do without her all day. Luckily I have Avery, or I would really be a mess! (FYI, that is not her teacher in the background, she is their assistant. I wanted a picture of Grace and Mrs. Roop, but they were all so busy I didn't want to ask)
Congratulations mommy on making it through the first morning of Kindergarten. I hope you enjoyed some special alone time with your baby girl. I can't wait to hear all about Gracie's first day. By the way you are way too hard on yourself I love the K cake- it will be fun to see how it changes each year as your girls grow-up and their styles change. As always we love keeping up with your family on your blog
You crack me up Rissa!! I was watching her get on the bus..and then there is a picture of her at the school!! I was like wait a minute!! I had to chuckle and read it to my kids!!! lol.. Its hard to believe she is a big girl now! Tell her congrats on Kindergarten...
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