Scottie asked me to put some more pictures up of the girls. He really misses them. Only ten days left until he comes home!!! :) This picture is of Avery eating mac-n-cheese for the first time. The doctor said she could start having table food more, so I hope this was okay. Personally I will give her just about anything she wants, as long as I can eat for five minutes in peace. The evening time is when things start to breakdown in the Scott household. Grace is hungry, Avery wants to be held, and I have to fix dinner. It usually goes smoothly when Scottie is home to pay attention to them, but when I"m by myself it can get a little crazy before dinnertime. So I gave her some of our food and she loved it!
I just can't get enough of her cute little face. How could you deny her anything???
Avery has learned how to pull up on things, and she thinks it's the best thing ever! Well, until she hits her head on the chair, and then it's not as much fun. But she just picks back up and tries it again.
What a doll baby!
This kid finds the tiniest pieces of paper and dirt on the floor. The one good thing about this is that she is making me a better housekeeper. I'm more aware of the floors and I've been keeping up with them better. Thanks Avery!
Umm.... good thing I've been keeping up with the cleaning. Otherwise it would be dangerous for her to eat crackers off the floor. I didn't have room in my cabinets for the crackers so I just set the box on the floor. (one day when we can afford a bigger house, I am going to make sure I have enough cabinet space!!! I don't care about a lot of other details, but that is a big one for me!!! It drives me crazy) Anyway, I was in the living room for a minute and I heard Avery getting into something. When I walked into the kitchen I saw that she had already eaten half of a cracker. She is going to be Miss Self-Sufficient, just like Grace.
She was pretty happy with her discovery, and I found out that she likes to eat crackers. :)
Sisters playing in the bathroom.
Grace is playing "pool" with her toys in the sink (something she has loved to do since she was three) and Avery is eating Snow White. I should probably check to see where that toy was made. I hope it doesn't have any lead paint from China! This post is really making me look bad. Avery has picked up dirt, eaten crackers off the floor, and chewed on a toy that could have questionable paint on it. Bad mommy! ;)
I hope to get some video on here soon. Maybe Avery can talk to daddy on it, we'll see. (Sorry about all the fuzzy pictures. I need to figure out the flash and lighting on this camera. Now if I could just find the manual....
I love the long piece of hair that sticks out behind Avery's left cute!
I know! People keep telling me to cut it, but I just can't do it. I want to see how long it gets. It's kind of like a side rat tail. ;)
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