I know these pictures are small, but it's the best I could do right now. Scottie is going to try and make them bigger. But I really wanted to write a post about my grandma who passed away 19 years ago today. Her name was Mary Leigh. That's where we got part of Avery's middle name, Joleigh. We ,the grandkids, called her Mimi.

I only had thirteen years with her, but she really made an impact on me in that short amount time. So I wanted to list nineteen memories/thoughts of the wonderful woman that was my Mimi. Most of these memories may sound silly, but since she left this world too soon they are from the eyes of a child.
19. She had beautiful nails, that she meticulously took care of every day. She taught me how to file and paint my nails, even as young as the first grade.
18. I loved it when she would let Curt and I water her plants throughout the house.
17. I have many memories of her sitting at the counter in their kitchen playing solitaire with a deck of cards. It always looked hard, and I'm not sure I could play now if it wasn't on the computer. ;)
16. She had a great laugh. I can still hear it even after all of these years.
15. She was a sincerely kind person. It wasn't a kindness you could fake.
14. She was a really patient grandma. The only time I ever saw her get mad was when Kelsey, Sarah, and Katie got into the bedroom that they had just bombed for fleas. The memory is a little fuzzy, but I think she hosed them down outside.
13. There were ALWAYS Jello Pops in Mimi's big green freezer. You could also count on individual cups of jello with fruit, or chocolate pudding with cool whip. :)
12. Every time we stayed all night she would get up and make pancakes with sausage patties.
11. She had a sweet soul. I remember her telling me about a kitten that passed away while she held it and how she just sat there and cried.
10. I couldn't wait for Christmas because I knew that she would buy matching presents for me and my cousin Amanda. They weren't cheap little matching stuffed animals. We got matching outfits, boots, jewelry, etc.... It was awesome!
9. She was a great cook! I learned how to make chocolate chip cookies from her, and I think about her every time I make them. She also made "rope meat" (roast tied with string) for me because she knew how much I liked it.
8. She was the mother of seven. Sadly, three went to be with the Lord before her. Now that I'm older and understand more about the real world, it amazes me that she still had a smile on her face and a good outlook on life. She was a great mother.
7. She always had flowers growing in their back yard. I especially remember the roses by the white brick wall.
6. She drove a car that she called Rosebud. I love that she named her car.
5. She made the BEST cherry pie.
4. She never put people down. She was an encourager.
3. She had a calm presence. Which was needed in our family. We are a passionate family, and sometimes emotions can run high. But we also possess a wicked good sense of humor!
2. She was beautiful - inside and out.
1. You never had to wonder if you were loved. She had enough love for everyone and you knew it.
I miss my Mimi. She left a hole in our hearts and in our family that can never be filled. But I am thankful for every day I got to spend with her.
(If you have a memory of her, feel free to leave a comment. I changed it so anyone can write on the blog. If you don't have a google account just click the button next to Name.)
I remember when Katie, Kelsey and Sarah went in that room. She was mad! (can't say I blame her) You're right, though, that is the only time I remember her getting upset.
I remember her nail polish drawer - an entire drawer full of bottles. They were all different shades of pink. She loved pink.
I have wished many times over the last 2 years that she was still here. I sure could use some advice, as a mother, on how to navigate life after losing your children. I can only hope to be as strong and as kind and as loving as she was.
Thank you for posting this.
Thank you Riss for remembering Mimi in this very special way...I love you. Mom
I remember that she used to tease me about what I called a bowl with holes in it used to rinse fruits, vegetables, and pasta. I grew up calling it a "cullender". She insisted (along with most of the world) that it was a "colander". I would tease back and say, "No, if you spell it that way, you have to say *CO*lander". She would laugh when I said that.
Anyway, she passed away between the time Matt and I got engaged and the time we got married. But, the Christmas before she died, she gave me a big brown paper sack. I remember her saying, "You can have what is in here - ONLY if you can say it correctly." I knew immediately what it was before I even opened it. I told her of course I could pronounce it correctly.... it was a "COlander, cullender, and a colander". She then proceeded to whack me up side the head. Playfully, of course.
She's the mother-in-law I never had. I didn't know her long... but I sure miss her.
Mary Leigh was the most wonderful Mother-in-law that a woman could have asked for. Always there when you needed her, but never offering unsolicited advice. She was sooooo even tempered. (A trait that was in somewhat short supply among the rest of the family!) I only saw her get mad once, (I don't remember the bugspray incident, fortunately) and it was a brief burst at that. That had to do with something my dear husband said. You can ask him for details. I remember the nail polish drawer too. And I remember when Amanda and Larissa got into it and Amanda spilled some on Mimi's new bedspread! She was so very gracious about that. I really wish she could have been with us longer to enjoy the grandkids and great-grands. And maybe she could have taught me how to play bridge too. Missing you, Mary Leigh.
I only got to spend a short 9 years with Mimi, but I cherish all that I can remember. Some of my favorite memories were me sitting on the arm of the brown recliner with Mimi and Scooter... I think Mimi is the reason I love cats so much because me and her would sit and talk about cats and how Scooter didn't really let many people pet him, but for some reason he let me and I felt special :) I also remember all of the nail polish and the tiny lipsticks that she had... I think they were samples, but for kids they were perfect.(I can't believe she let us play with that stuff) Also, I remember how her lipsticks were shaped... I think she used the same spot every time she applied it because it was shaped like a half moon :) Silly memories, but also wonderful and comforting memories. She was a great person and grandmother and I wish she could have been around a bit longer... I think many of us need(ed) her advise or comfort.
Love you Mimi!!!!
I don't have a memory of Mimi, but my first memory of you as my friend was her visitation. It was there that I learned the importance of attending a wake in support of the family. My mom took Meghann and I. We became friends after that and best friends a couple years later. I love you Riss. I am sure your Mimi was a very special person.
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