Be prepared, there are a lot of pictures in this post! But it was our last day, and I had to get as many memories on film as I could. This is Grace on our last morning waiting for the Magic Kingdom bus, ears and all!!
This is a creepy Disney employee attacking Grace. Actually he was a silly employee and made our wait for the bus more entertaining.
Daddy and Avery chilling together and you guessed it... waiting for the bus. I hated waiting. It always seemed as if every other park's bus would come around before our bus. I'm sure that's not true, but it always felt like it!
The girls and I made a trip to the candy store when we got to the Magic Kingdom. Grace picked a giant lollipop, and Avery thought it was awesome! We told her she couldn't open it until we got back to Indiana, but it's been several weeks now and it's still unopened. It's so pretty that I hate to see her eat it.
The blanket in front of Avery is our awesome fleece blanket we bought, and needed, at the park. It has a picture of the castle lit up at night. It is super soft and wasn't very expensive.
Avery was trying very hard to unwrap the tempting sucker, but luckily she isn't that skilled - yet.
How many happy babies do you see waiting in line? She was so happy throughout the entire trip. I wish I could say the same for Grace, but we'll get to that later.
This my friends is an example of why it is so important to choose your clothes carefully when spending the day at an amusement park. People who are waiting in line have nothing better to do than examine and judge your outfit. If you enlarge the picture you will see why . Seriously, how many different stripes can you wear in one outfit???!!! His undershirt has diagonal stripes, the sweater has horizontal, and the pants have vertical ones. Hilarious!
Awww... the Dumbo ride. I wish I could say that we took this picture to capture the joy they felt while riding this ride. But every time we checked the line, it had at least a 70 minute wait. Sorry Dumbo, but you aren't that thrilling. Maybe next time.
Appropriate title :)
Sneaking in a little rest by Cinderella's castle.
We wanted to get a family picture in front of the castle with all of our Mickey Mouse shirts. Unfortunately Avery was still sleeping, but she has a Minnie Mouse shirt on too.
Another example about choosing outfits carefully. The girl to the right has Louis Vuitton written across her butt, and the guy on the left is wearing white canvas shoes without socks. I don't have any fashion sense, but even I know that neither one of those looks are good!
Our lunch reservations were at The Coral Reef restaurant at Epcot. We rode the monorail over from the Magic Kingdom. It was so much nicer than the buses. I was excited to get a picture in front of the Epcot ball. I had always seen pictures of it, but this is the first year I saw it for myself.
Don't we look like a nice, happy, calm family? Well, 30 minutes before this picture was taken we were a cranky, unhappy, loud family. Grace was being awful and Avery was screaming. Scottie and I were about to lose our minds. Luckily everything settled down after we ate. Technically this was our lunch, and we ate at 3:20. I'm sure you can guess why we were so cranky. But Scottie and I really wanted to eat here and that was the only time they had available. You can't see it but there is a gigantic aquarium in front of us. It was really neat to sit and watch all of the fish and sharks swimming in front of us. Scottie said it made him feel weird to eat seafood in front of a bunch of fish. But you know I had chicken, so it didn't bother me! ;)
I loved the high chair that attached to the table. The only problem was that Avery could touch the bench and stand up. I'll explain why that was a problem in just a second.
Yep, that pretty much sums up our dining experience at The Coral Reef restaurant.
Okay, here is where we had problems with the cool high chair. I've already explained the devil's, uh... I mean Disney's, plan to have you eat dessert with every meal. Well I went ahead and ordered a dessert with the intentions of taking a bite or two and leaving the rest. I only got one bite before I saw Avery snatch a spoon and lunge at it with all of her might. I just sat there in shock for a minute. First of all I didn't know she could use a spoon, and second of all how did she know this was dessert? She certainly didn't attack her dinner that way.
Look at that crazed look on her face!! She has a major sweet tooth. We will have to watch this one closely!
Avery dancing outside of the restaurant.
We took the girls on the Nemo ride. It was cute, but not overly exciting. The exhibits outside of the ride were interesting. You could see the other side of the aquarium from the restaurant, and they had other little aquariums too. I think the girls enjoyed that more than the ride.
After the Nemo ride we hopped back on the monorail and headed back to the Magic Kingdom for our last night of fun. Except we weren't having much fun at this point. Grace had gotten super cranky and was being rather difficult. I may or may not have cried a little and declared that she was ruining our vacation. If that were true, I would have only said it to Scottie. But I"m not saying I behaved that way....
But look at the palm trees. Nothing says Florida like palm trees. I love Florida!
We took a few minutes to get ourselves together and then we were ready for some more rides. Although Avery looks a little drugged in this picture. I promise she only had water in her cup!
Grace insisted on getting her picture taken here. I had explained to her on the first day about the stocks and what they were used for. She didn't think they were very nice and that people shouldn't have used them. So I was surprised when she wanted this picture.
Grace wanted to model in front of the castle. I think she nailed it. ;)
I really wanted us to go on the It's a Small World ride. I know it's cheesy and a little outdated looking, but it's a classic Disney ride. It wasn't too long of a wait, but that didn't stop me from completely scaring a Chinese family when they tried to get in front of us. If you have ever been to an amusement park with me, then you know how I feel about cutters. Add the fact that it was almost 8:00 at night, well, I can't be held responsible for my actions. Sorry Chinese family, I didn't mean to frighten you. I promise. I just really hate it when people cut in line.
Daddy and Grace watching the Spectromagic parade. Avery and I were trying to leave the park, and like always we got caught by a parade. You would think we would check our map with the parade schedules on it, but we never did. So we stuck around for a few minutes and then Avery and I weaved our way through the crowds. We were both tired and I just wanted to get back to the hotel. Scottie and Grace stayed until the park closed. What can I say? They're night owls and I am not!
This is what was waiting for us when we got back to the hotel. The maid had arranged all of our stuffed animals, some old-some new, and had them watching t.v. It freaked me out at first because I couldn't figure out why the t.v. was on when I knew we had turned it off that morning. Then I saw the toys. I loved that the maid was thoughtful enough to do something fun for us. I took a picture of it because I wasn't sure if they would still be like that when Grace got back. They weren't, Avery had pulled them all down within a few minutes of this picture.
Grace was having a blast at the park while we were at the hotel. Her and Scottie rode the Buzz Lightyear ride several times. That's the benefit of staying at the park so late, the lines aren't as long.
There was a second Spectromagic parade at the end of the night. They were close this time and were able to see all of the characters. Scottie said it was pretty cool looking. I'm glad Grace got to see it up front.
One last picture in front of the castle. What an awesome place!!
Daddy was teaching Grace how to break the rules back at the hotel. Because there was a sign, clearly marked, "Do Not Climb." But it does make a cute picture!
Finally at the end of a very long day and a fun filled vacation.
Avery actually put herself to bed that night. I was trying to pack everything up so we weren't rushed in the morning. She played around for a bit and then banged on the crib and said "nigh, nigh!" I put her in there and she went to sleep. I wished that happened every night!
The next morning we had breakfast and then headed for the shuttle bus. It was a little chilly that morning. But nothing compared to what we were heading for at home.
This is the bus area. You can get to any park from here. It's also where they pick you up and take you to the airport. It's a very nice service that they offer.
Thank you Disney World for giving us so many great memories!! We will try and come back soon!
(I am going to post date all of the Disney pictures after a few days. So if you want to see them again you will have to go back to December. I just want them all together.)
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