Avery always has to "help" when I am loading or unloading the dishwasher. Apparently baby was dirty and needed a shower. I snuck it out when she wasn't looking. These are the times that you sit back and say "I love being a parent." It's so fun to watch them and try and figure out what they are thinking, like why would you put a baby in the dishwasher??
There's my other baby staring me down. This is one of the last pictures I got of him here at the house. My in-laws graciously said yes when we asked them to take Kingsley for a while. That's a entire post in itself, but it's been a good thing for us and him. He has lost some much needed weight since he's been with them. I'll talk about it later. I miss him a lot, but it really has been a good thing.

An exciting event: Avery's first Krispie Kreme. Yep, she liked it.

This was taken back in the beginning of March on the first warm day. Even though it was only in the low 50's, it felt great at the time. Grace was practicing her tennis swing. She loves to use the balls on a string. It was the best $10 we ever spent. She is able to practice tennis without taking out someone's window.

My baby's first time playing outside. She loved it! She just walked up and down the sidewalk and thought it was the greatest thing ever.

Pulling her baby stroller.

A couple of weeks later it was warm enough to head to the park. I think Avery liked the slide. What do you think?

Sliding sisters.

Daddy and Avery spending some time on the swings.

Nana came to visit and watch Avery while I had my first doctors appointment.

My beautiful girls.

Gracie always amazes me with her creativity. She took a few boxes from the garage, opened them up and made tunnels for her and Avery to crawl through. She is such a neat kid.

Avery taking a turn through the tunnel.

No, this is not a horse walking down the sidewalk. It's an Irish Setter, just like my Uncle Mike had years ago. I love these dogs, but they have a lot of energy.
Avery wanted to hug this dog so badly. Luckily it was a sweet dog and was patient with her hugging.

Jeff and Penny brought Gracie's old car over for Avery. They had been storing it for us since we moved to Kirksville. It's so fun to get out old toys and remember when your child was smaller.

First push-up. Yep, she liked it.

All dressed up to go out for Mommy's birthday.

I can't believe how much older she looks this year. Where did my baby go?

Nana came over on my birthday to help me out. I had a bladder infection that was causing contraction like pains. The doctor put me on medicine and everything turned out ok, but it was a little scary when it started.

Eating dessert at Biaggis.

Celebrating number 32! I didn't feel very good, but I didn't want to miss the chance to go out on my birthday. I think I look awful, but it ended up being a good day. We went to Target after dinner and I got a new purse and wallet. But I was spent after all of that and went home to lay down. Hopefully 33 will be a little less painful.
It's been a while since I've posted anything, so if you are reading this you are a devoted friend or family member. This pregnancy has been the hardest one so far. I have been exhausted and SICK! I am so thankful to be in the second trimester. I feel a lot better and have finally gotten some things done around the house. Hopefully I can keep the blog updated since I have quite a few pictures to share and we have a lot of exciting things coming up!!!!