It was that time of year again; time to dye eggs. Grace was completely obsessed with the project, and asked several times a day, for several days, if we could color the eggs. It was driving me crazy! But we finally got around to doing it and she was very happy.
(by the way: does anyone know of a good photography class? I would love to learn how to take better pictures. I hate it when their faces look pale from the flash.)
Avery had to get in on the action too.
On Easter morning we did something new. I bought a pack of resurrection eggs, and we hid them for the girls. It's a neat way to share the Easter story. There are twelve eggs, and you open them in order. Each egg contains something that symbolizes part of the story. Like the first egg had a small donkey in it and then there was scripture that talked about Jesus riding into Jerusalem on a donkey. Of course as you get closer to the end there are things like the nails, and crown of thorns, etc... I had a hard time reading through it without crying, and told Scottie he could be in charge of the reading next year.
The last egg was empty and represented the empty tomb and Christ's victory over death! I think Grace really enjoyed the eggs. It will be a great tool for every Easter.
Avery had a blast trying to find the eggs. I was sad that we didn't find any Easter egg hunts this year. I kept looking in the paper, but it looked like we had missed them during spring break. Grace was really disappointed. I am going to try really hard next year to find one for the girls.
This was the only shot I could get of them with their baskets. Avery was too excited and wouldn't sit still.
I think she got a sour jelly bean.
Very excited for candy!!!
After church we went over to our friends Nate and Debbie's for lunch. I was a little sad knowing that this will be the last time we get to do this with them. We went to their house last year too.
When I look at this picture I can't help but wonder if I will have to search for a third Easter dress, or a pair of pants and matching shirt next year??? We'll find out May 20th!
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nice information surviving residency thanks for sharing
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