One night Grace wanted to watch a movie and eat popcorn. Since she didn't have school the next day I told her yes, but she would have to wait for Avery to go to bed. It was getting close to her bedtime and I didn't want her to try and stay up late with her big sister. As you can see from the picture, my plan worked perfectly...
I put Avery in bed and listened for signs of slumber. When all was quiet, I got out the popcorn and put it in the microwave. It only took one minute of popping before I heard yelling and screaming from the girls room. It sounded like something was really wrong, so I ran in there and scooped her out of the crib. As I was checking her out to see what could be the problem she stopped crying, pointed to the door and said "pa-core?"
I don't know if she heard it popping or smelled the popcorn, but either way she knew we were eating one of her favorite snacks without her. I couldn't resist her cute face or sweet little voice. So she got to curl up with Sissy and eat some popcorn. She was a happy camper and went right back to bed after her late night snack. It was another one of those "I love having kids" moment. They really do bring a lot of joy to your life.
What a fun movie night with the girls! To answer your questions you left on my blog, yes we're getting a second baby and it's even the same birth mother. Go back to March 23rd on my blog for the full story of how it all came about. We're very excited. Hope all is well with you!
Lots of Love!
Too funny!!!!
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