I think everyone has both positive and negative things about their childhood. Things they vowed they would do differently than their parents, but also traditions/aspects they would love to keep the same. One part of my childhood that I would LOVE to repeat with my children (but sadly never will) is living close to grandparents. I was blessed to live near both sets of grandparents and great-grandparents. My dad's parents lived, literally, 1 minute from our house. I spent a lot of time up there and I loved every minute of it. I think living so far away from everyone is harder for me because I have always been surrounded by family. Not just family members that I saw every once in a while, but on a daily basis. Even the grandparents that lived "in town." :)
So during spring break this year the kids and I loaded up the van and headed back home. We spent one afternoon up at my grandparents house. The girls loved it, and so did I. :) Grandpa fired up the organ and played a few songs for them. (which is another childhood memory I cherish.) I'm pretty sure there is a picture of me doing the exact same thing as Avery. In fact it would probably look identical since she looks a lot like me when I was her age.
At first they just watched and listened for a little bit.
But they could sit still for long. They had a blast dancing around while Grandpa played songs like "Beer Barrel Polka."
They thought Jude needed to join in the dancing.
I think Grace has found a new love, the piano. Grandma Pat was showing her how to use her fingers on the keys. She had a great time. A couple of days later Grace spent part of the day with Grandma and Grandpa since I went back to Ohio early and she stayed a couple of extra days. I hear she spent quite a bit of time at the piano.
She really wants one at our house, but even the old used ones are expensive. I would love to have one too, and for her to take lessons. I'll have to keep my eyes open for a good deal someday!!
Another double take from when I was young. Grandma Pat read to us every time we spent the night at her house. I can still see us laying on the pull out couch and her reading different stories out of this one series of books. I can't remember what they were, but they remind me of the Dick and Jane type stories. Maybe Grandma remembers what they are called...
Sitting in a chair with Grandpa reading books was something that happened often as well. He would read from a really old story book that his grandfather (or his dad, I can't remember) read to him. My favorite was The Spider and The Fly.
I couldn't get Jude to cooperate with the camera, so this was the best picture I got of the two of them. He is such a good baby, and loves to be held by everybody!!
I'm so glad we had a chance to visit with my grandparents. I really miss spending time with them. You don't realize how much you love certain people until you are far away from them. I always knew I loved them, but seeing my kids with them made me realize how blessed I was to have them so close all those years!!
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