The big day had finally arrived. It was a day full of mixed emotions for me. Of course I was beyond excited to meet my little boy. But also nervous to become a family of five. Life had already started out rough in Ohio and I wasn't sure how I was going to handle all of the responsibilities that came with three children and a busy husband. But ready or not, he was coming!
One last shot of the big belly. I would say most women are ready to have their bodies back by the ninth month of pregnancy. My last month was bittersweet. I was SO ready to get rid of my giant belly, but sad because I knew it was the last time I would ever feel those precious kicks from the inside. Jude is our last baby so I tried to cherish all those last pregnancy feelings, but by this moment in time I was DONE!!
As always, I was nervous about going into surgery. I was even more nervous because the lady doing my spinal was taking instructions from another person. When I heard her say, "now,what you're going to do is..." I was freaking out!! Why did I have to be this person's guinea pig?? She didn't do it right, which shot an incredible amount of pain down my back. Then she tried several more times, until the other lady told her to stop because they needed to numb me again. If you've never had a spinal, let me just tell you that the local numbing shot hurts worse then the actual procedure. So now I had to have it done all over again. I'm not ashamed to say that I was crying. My body was just worn out from everything it had been put through the past couple of months, and I just wanted it to be over. Finally the experienced person took over and they got it to work. But it just kind of went down hill from there. The new person obviously was still learning how to control all of the medicines, and it just didn't go very well. I got sick a couple of times before the operation started, and I felt awful throughout the whole procedure. Scottie was so good about talking to me and rubbing my head. Finally I heard what every mother wants to hear, those precious first cries. I couldn't believe I had a baby boy!!
The girls are waiting, eating fruit snacks, and playing the DS. They were obviously having a better time than me. :)
Here he is: Jude Michael. He cried for quite a while at the beginning. The nurse said they had to use the vacuum to help him out a little bit, and his head was probably hurting him. People kept saying he was feisty and had a temper, but they couldn't have been more wrong. He just had a headache people!!
I loved all 8 pounds and 21 inches of him immediately.
So cute!!!!
Just chilling on mommy's legs about an hour after birth. Where's that feisty temper now??
We were so happy to have a little boy join our family.
Grace and Avery meeting their brother. (by the way, that was the hospitals hat. I wish I hadn't been so loopy from the meds or I would have insisted someone find him a better hat. I hate that thing, it's so ugly.)
Nana and her babies!
Grandpa and Jude (seriously, that hat has to go)
Grandma and Jude in a normal hat.
Love this picture!! All she wanted to do was sit and hold her baby brother. But she ended up taking a little snooze with him.
Ma-maw and Pa-paw with Avery and Jude. (Penny was having troubles with her eye and the patch was helping to correct it. I promise she doesn't have a fantasy of being a pirate! :)
Uncle Joe drove all the way over to meet Jude. He is such a good uncle. The girls love him to pieces!
The girls holding Jude one more time before it was time to go home. Grace never handles this part well. It's weird because she is so independent and has stayed at her grandparents houses many times by herself without any problems. But to stay in our house when I'm not there upsets her. I don't think she likes to think about her mom and dad being somewhere without her. She wanted to spend the night at the hospital every night we were there. I hated to know she was so sad, but she had Nana with her so she wasn't too sad.
Scottie's Aunt Cindy just happened to be in town from Iowa, so she came over with Jeff and Penny the next day. I'm glad she got to meet Jude since I'm pretty sure it was the first time she saw Avery. We never seem to be available to come over to Hagerstown when they come to visit, so we don't get to see her very often.
Daddy and Jude taking a nap in the hospital. Trying to soak in the peace and quiet before we have to go home to the girls!
Jude in his coming home outfit. Aunt Rena made his hat and I love it!
All bundled up and ready to start our new adventure. I couldn't believe we were bringing home a little boy, I thought for sure we were going to have all girls. But we were thrilled to carry out a little bundle of blue. Although there were still those overwhelming feelings at the thought of three children depending on me, but it was too late to worry about that now. ;)
Avery was happy to see Jude, but not too happy. She would hold him for a minute and then say "I'm done" or "take this thing." Eventually she warmed up to him and started talking about her baby Jude.
Grace loves being the older sister. She really loves babies and is pretty good with them. Her and daddy were always fighting over who got to hold Jude. I think she will make a good babysitter someday!
Oh, and this is how Avery prepared for baby Jude. She got all "pweetty" with Mommy's make-up. :)
1 comment:
So glad you're back in the blogging world! Love hearing your family stories.
Love, Teresa R. :)
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