I don't what the weather is like for all of you, but we are freezing our buns off here in Missoura. It's just too cold to go anywhere. Of course Gracie and I sit around weeping for all the poor doggies stuck in their tiny wooden dog houses, or their concrete pins. (Scottie is not happy that Gracie has inherited my passion for animals living conditions, mainly dogs ) But that's not the purpose of today's blog. I told Gracie that we should do something fun today and she suggested a picnic. I thought that would be fun, so we planned out our menu and headed to Wal-Mart. We tried to think of summer type foods in the hopes that we would forget about the below freezing temperatures we've been having. I had the idea to try and fry chicken for the first time in my life. There are a few reasons why I have never made it before and they are:
#1 I HATE any kind of meat that is still attached to the bone (Mom- remember that cornish hen we had at the Dixie Stampede? I had to cover it with a napkin because I couldn't stand to look at it in it's true form)
#2 I don't like to deep fry my food. I like fries from McDonalds, but I would never fry french fries on my own.
#3 I despise the way my house smells after cooking things in oil. But since it is a picnic staple I went ahead and tried my hand at fried chicken. I did excatly as Paula Deen said, but I have to say that I was not converted tonight. I will continue to bake and grill my chicken and feel good about all the fat I'm not putting into my body. We also had fruit salad, raw veggies with dip, Doritos (you can't have a picnic without those) and sweet tea. Gracie spread her picnic blanket on the floor and we had a good time. She made me put my glass of tea close to my face in the picture, she thought it was a good pose. I wish she would have posed my body for me, I look huge from that angle! The last picture is her showing off her outfit she put together today. She got the shirt from Dad and Carol for Christmas. The shirt has a picture of a princesses body without a face. It cracks me up! That girl is so stinkin cute! Thanks for the picnic idea Gracie!
What a cute idea. Maybe I need to have an indoor picnic. I hope that would lift my spirits and make me feel as if I'm not stuck in Idaho in January. (Our temps haven't been out of the teens in weeks. And don't even ask about the several feet of snow I have to dig out of each morning.) *Sigh* I'm ready for summer.
You guys look cute in those pics!
I second what Cali said. You have the cutest family. It almost makes me want to have my own kid....but no. I am good the way I am. I actually laughed out loud reading this blog. Meat on a bone grosses me out too and it it all Mr. Witham's fault!
Ok, I need to know this Mr. Witham story. I'm sure it's a good one! Remember when he commented on your new shade of lipstick in class? Creepy!
So in class one day, Mr Witham was talking about how hated to eat chicken off a bone. He said nothing is worse than taking a bite, pulling the meat away from your mouth and being slapped in the chin with a vein!! Now why in the world did he tell this story?? I will never know, but I do know I still have to psych myself out in order to eat fried chicken on the bone! The lipstick thing still creeps me out.
Crap! Now I'm going to think of Mr. Witham the next time I eat chicken. EEEEWWWW! That might ruin it for me too.
Re, you'd be cute with kids. I don't think you give yourself enough credit.
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