
How could anyone look at these pictures and not think that dogs are the cutest creatures on the planet? I know some of you think that I am crazy and obessive about my dog, but wouldn't you be if this is what you had to look at all the time? This is what I found when I walked into the bedroom today. Scottie was completely out and snoring because he had basically stayed up all night studying for his test this morning. (He got an A on it, he's so smart!) Kingsley was competely out and snoring because... hmm...because... he's a fat, lazy, sausage. But he has his work to do as well. He has to make sure and snuggle up against us when it's time for us to get up, making it impossible to get out of bed. He also has to entertain Gracie by chasing her around while she squeaks his toy. It's a very loud and sometimes annoying form of entertainment, but since she doesn't have any siblings to play with we allow it to go on for awhile. (By the way does anyone know a doctor who treats infertility for free? No? Well I guess the annoying squeaking game will have to go on for a little while longer:( Anyway, he also has the job of putting his head on my lap when I'm sad, jumping up to greet us as soon as we open the door, winking, yawning, and doing anything we ask for a piece of cheese. Seriously how could someone not love this, or any dog. I would bet that if a Chinese man saw him he would put down his fork and knife, repent of his wicked dog eating ways, and start his own non-profit animal shelter. (Can you tell I have issues with China?)
I think I'll stop now and go stare at my cute dog for a while.
You crack me up. Oh how I miss you! I didn't know you had such deep-rooted issues with the Chinese! I feel the same...only about cats! Tell Scottie I said hi and give Grace a squeeze for me!
Ah....this makes me want to get a puppy....
Hey Cali! You know what's funny? He isn't a puppy, that's as big as he will ever get. He's short like me. That's the way I like em!
Cute. Maybe I should get a little dog like that so my cat won't be lonely. So funny thing, I don't know any doctors that treat infertility for free, but I know quite a few infertility doctors who have gotten wealthy off of us. At any rate, we've decided to go the route of adoption. And that is one subject on which I've become an expert.
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