Grace was so excited to see her best friend Gabby. She hadn't seen Gabby since her birthday. We went to the mall (I was in heaven) and let the girls play in the kid's play center. Kim said that Gabby has tried three times to get her ears pierced, but has chickened out every time. So this time she said she would do it with Gracie. Grace had told us a few weeks before that she didnt' want her ears pierced, but as soon as Gabby said it she wanted to do it to. So we headed to Libby Lou's. The girl asked who wanted to get it done first, and both girls pointed at each other. It was so funny. But Grace said that she would go first and Gabby said she just wanted to watch before she decided. We could tell right then that Gabby was backing out. Kim felt bad because she felt that Grace only did it because Gabby said that she wanted to, but we all know Grace wouldn't do something unless she really wanted to. So I told Kim that she shouldn't feel bad, I'm sure Gabby will come around one of these days. :) I'm glad that Grace got it done. She looks so cute.
We are waiting for the girls to get ready. I can honestly say that I was more nervous than Gracie. I was afraid my sweaty hands were going to scare her, but she was ready to go!
The poor baby has no idea what's about to happen. She only jumped a little, and she didn't cry very much. I think it scared her, and she didn't like everybody looking at her. She get's really embarassed. But after a few minutes she was fine. The lady asked Gabby if she was ready and she said no. Grace put her hands on her hips and said "Gabby, you said you were going to do it too!" She makes me laugh!
Kim bought the girls frappicuinos (misspelled) from Starbucks. She said she owed Gracie it because Gabby backed out. Kim is so funny.
Don't they look cute? They are such trendy girls!
Riss, I can't believe how big Grace is. I love reading your blog.It makes me feel like I kind of know her! I miss you!
Re- I'm so glad you enjoy my blog. It makes me happy! I wish we lived closer so you could get to know Grace. She is a lot of fun! I miss you too! Maybe when we move to Illinois we'll be able to get together more.
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