I know most people already saw these pictures on facebook, but I want it documented on the blog as well. The wedding was beautiful and everyone had a good time. Doesn't Curt look handsome walking Mom down the aisle? Doesn't Mom look beautiful?!

The happy groom waiting for his bride. If you haven't met Steve, I'll tell you that he is a great guy!! He is one of the nicest people I've ever met.

Kelsey and I walking behind Mom and Curt. Avery only wanted Mommy at that time, so she came with us! :)

Grace did not want to be disturbed during the ceremony. She took her flower girl duties very seriously.

My cousins Amanda, Katie, and Sarah sang during the lighting of the unity candle. This is a picture of Mom and Steve listening to them sing "This Day" by Point of Grace. They did a great job, like always!

Grace was so excited to be a flower girl. She looked beautiful!

Avery was in a silly mood after the ceremony.

We were being silly together.

One of the few family pictures we've taken since Avery was born.

She wasn't feeling the greatest that day. Her tummy was bothering her. We realized later that she needs soy milk instead of cows milk. It has made a world of difference for her. I just wish she could have enjoyed the wedding a little bit more.

I love this picture of Avery. She is still smiley even though she doesn't feel good.

Nana and her girls.

Mom with all of her new granddaughters. Don't they look fabulous?!

The girls got a little nutty with Steve. I think they were done posing for pictures at this point. Poor Steve!!

I love this cheesy little baby. She just makes me smile.

Avery was stealing Nana's food!

Mom and Steve dancing. They make a great couple. I'm so happy that Mom found someone who treats her so well!

This picture melts my heart. How did I get such beautiful girls?

The first seven Jenkins grandchildren, aka The Magnificent Seven.

We aren't shy about showing off our dance moves. ;) (Although Curt looks a tad bit embarrassed)

We are just goofy, and we like it that way! If you ever wondered why I act the way I do, well now you know why. I can't help it, my weirdness is inherited. (now Andrew looks embarrassed)

This is a great picture of all eleven Jenkins grandchildren. We came in two waves. The first seven grew up together, and then the next four grew up together, or still growing up. ;) (See the big guy in the back? That's my cousin Mason and I held him when he was a tiny baby. That doesn't even seem possible!! I am old! )

There was a Christmas parade that passed right by the reception. I bought the kids stockings to catch their parade candy, and put their initials on each one. I had a great vision of hand making the stockings, and embroidering the initials. But there were thirteen kids to make them for, and I just ran out of time. Oh well, it's the thought that counts right??
It was a fun evening full of dancing. I think everybody had a good time. Congratulations to Mom and Steve. Here's to many happy years together!