This is the first Koehler Family picture we've taken in sixteen years. It's the first time we've all been together since Uncle Bill and Aunt Elaine moved back from Hungary. The only people missing are Jill, Jake, and the boys. We were able to get a picture with them, but some of the other family members had already left. (Thankfully we are all dressed nicely and no one is wearing pig tails. The last Koehler picture was a dandy! )
I really like this picture of Uncle Bill's family. It has been so nice having them back in the states.
Uncle David and Aunt Susie. David, Amy, Heather, and baby Ethan. Heather's fiance Cole wasn't able to be there. Hopefully we can catch him next time.
Four generations: Grandma Pat, Aunt Susie, Heather, and Ethan.
Here we all are, minus Jake. The handsome guy in the back next to Curt is Kelsey's boyfriend Joe. We really like him, even if he is originally from Jersey. ;) He says things like "coufee" Just kidding, we love ya Joe!!
I included this picture because Kingsley felt like he needed to be in the picture. And I like this picture of myself better. Hey, it's my blog! :) (p.s. Dad, you really need to do something about those wires. I bet you could hold them together with a bread tie. Just a suggestion...)
Avery playing with one of her birthday presents from Grandma and Grandpa. It's a machine that blows balls up through a tube and then back down again. Avery has a good time with this one.
Eating her first powdered doughnut.
We have to make the face. It's quickly becoming a habit.
Avery enjoying her first Thanksgiving meal.
Grace showing off our little turkey crafts. We filled them with candy, and then she put one at every persons chair.
Grace and Stuart. They always have a good time together.
Grace got caught by Uncle Bill. Stuart was keeping a safe distance.
Uncle Bill is giving a sad face because of the drawings Grace and Stuart made for him. There is one picture of him getting eaten by an alligator. He's drowning in another. I think they lovingly made a picture of him being shot to death. I'd be sad too. I'm not sure where the violence came from. Grace usually draws pictures of kittens and hearts. It must be a boy thing to draw guns. Maybe I'll just stick with girls. ;)
Sorry Uncle Bill!! I'm sure you never teased them or played around with them, which in turn prompted them to use you as a target. We all know what a wall flower you are.
1 comment:
Totally didn't know you were related to Rebekah Koehler, just thought it was a last name coincidence! I know you weren't related to Aaron Koehler from SCF. Nikki Brendel
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