I have quite a few pictures to share from Avery's birthday party. We just had the grandparents come out since it was so close to Thanksgiving and Mom's wedding. Steve wasn't able to come with Mom since he had to work that day. Dad and Carol weren't able to come either because he was trying to finish up in the fields. ( He got it all done, so that's a good thing!) Hopefully next year we can give her something a little bit more exciting. Besides she's one, games and decorations don't really register with her yet. :)
She is ready to get out and open some presents. Doesn't she look cute in her dress? It's the same dress Grace wore for her first birthday. I love it!
Present time!! (If you enlarge the picture, you can see the pile of cheese still in her dress. :)
Avery was all about the birthday cards. It looks like she is trying to read Mam-maw and Pap-paw's card. So cute!
This girl LOVES Minnie Mouse! She has a little Minnie Mouse blanket that she can carry around and hug. So Gracie wanted to get her a Minnie Mouse doll. Avery wanted it out of the package right away. I see a trip to Disney World in our future, and a little girl going crazy for Minnie!
I included this picture because I love how Avery crosses her feet. She does it all the time when she is sitting on the floor. It cracks me up!
Nana got her an American Girl Bitty baby doll. She got one for Grace on her first birthday. This one has light hair and blue eyes. If we ever have a boy, I don't know what Nana will get him. I doubt he would want a Bitty doll. ;) (That is not an announcement that we are having more kids. I'm just saying, hypothetically...) This picture is kind of creepy. It looks like the baby doll has turned it's head to look at Avery.
She loved playing with the doll's eyes. Or as Avery says "iiiii-e-sa."
Here comes the cake! Look at that smile!
Grace helped Sissy blow out the candle. Avery was trying, but of course her blow wasn't strong enough.
This is Avery's new face. She started doing it one day and since we laugh at her every time she does it, she thinks she needs to do it a lot. That's okay, it never gets old to me. She is so stinking cute!
She wasn't sure what to do with this giant cupcake. I think it was a little overwhelming for her. So we cut off a slice for her to eat.
It took her a few tries before she realized it was okay to eat it. She was also starting to get sick with a fever. She wasn't feeling the greatest by the time we got to the cake.
Yummy cake!!
After she ate that piece she was bothered by the cake and icing left on her hands. She wanted it off.
She was having a hard time getting it off and ended up making an even bigger mess by squishing the cake and icing together.
"I'm done, someone get me out of here. I don't feel so good."
She got a bath and then put on her cupcake p.j.'s. I think she felt a little better after the bath, but she still had a fever. After everyone left we all went straight to bed for a good nap. It was a nice day. I can't believe my baby is one! Where did the year go? It's been a great one, and I'm looking forward to another one with this precious little girl.
1 comment:
I was cracking up at the creepy doll picture. Hope to see you guys soon!
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