This is the sign we gave to Gracie, and told her she had to read it by herself in order to get the surprise. She did a great job reading it! This vacation is very spontaneous. Scottie only
gets a week off this year, and it's the week before Christmas. This is also our graduation vacation. Scottie has to do basic training for four or five weeks after graduation, so we can't go then. (Don't get me started on the air force staff member that didn't get his paperwork in at the right time, which caused Scottie to miss basic training two years ago! I'm still a little mad, but like all things in life I just have to go with the flow.) We got an amazing military discount, and they had a great deal going on that only lasted until Dec. 23rd. It was too good to pass up, and I may sound selfish but we deserve this vacation! As a family we have worked hard, and sacrificed quite a bit the last four years that Scottie has been in school. I'm not saying that life has been terrible, or we have had to sacrifice any of our daily needs. But it's been a long journey, and it feels good to celebrate. (Even if it's five months early. :) So we fly out on Friday and come back Tuesday evening. I am so excited, but a little stressed. We have a lot to do before we leave, but it will be worth it. We've been planning since Wednesday, and everything seems to be falling into place. Let's just pray the weather is nice! We'll try and update while we are there, but I'm not making any promises. ;)
Deep breath! And exhale... :) Enjoy. You guys deserve a break and coordinating some family time/R&R is never selfish.
Not that I'm an expert, but re: the AF: make copies of everything, ask questions, ask questions, ask questions, make copies of everything, be patient, and whatever you do, make copies of everything. Does Scottie have good people he can contact if you guys need help or have questions?
Hope you all have a blast. When we went with Grantham a little over a year ago we were told about this great web site that really helps parents enjoy Disney to the fullest:) It cost $25.00 but is worth every penny. It helped us see everything we wanted to without the huge lines and wait. Also it helped us decide what rides would be appropriate for his age. I hope it helps; it is a little overwhelming at first but worth it. Have a wonderful time and it is a very well deserved trip!!! The site is www.tourguidemike.com. Can't wait to see pictures when you return
How wonderful! I am totally exhausted from our trip - in a good way. I'm so glad that you get to go. What a great way to lead into Christmas! The weather was HOT while we were there. I even got a little sunburn. Have fun!! We'll have to share pictures at Christmas.
Have a great time-you guys deserve it! Hope to see you all soon!
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