Monday, September 24, 2007

More Pictures!

Here are some pictures from Gracie's birthday party. You may have to click on the pictures to see them better. The first picture is of Grace and her best friend Gabby. I could just cry when I look at this picture. It seems like yesterday that they were in the nursery together at church. Everytime the girls see each other they run up and give each other a big hug. It is so cute. Gracie misses her so much. The second picture makes me laugh everytime I look at it. The kids had found a giant stick in the park and started playing with it. It was really big and I'm sure it wouldn't have taken long for someone to get hurt. Jake took the stick away so the kids wouldn't get hurt. But to see all the kids standing there watching him take it away, you would think he was dragging their favorite pet to the pound. It cracks me up! The third picture is of Grace and Gabby again with Gabby's mom Kim. I miss Kim as much as Grace misses Gabby. Luckily she is really good at talking on the phone, because I am terrible at calling people. So I still talk to her every week, but it makes me miss living in Indy! :( The last one is just a cute picture of Gracie playing at the park. Unfortunately I didn't get any pictures of Grace with Stuart, or Macy, Cy. Parties are always hectic for me and I forget to take pictures! But I do have some family pictures to put up on the next post.