Monday, January 28, 2008

My Little Ballerina

Gracie's dance studio had a family night on Tuesday. They let the parents come in and see the dances they have been working on; it's their way of making up for not having a winter recital. The girls have been working on their dances for a few weeks now, and they don't know all of the steps by themselves. The parents were sitting in front of the mirrors, and the girls couldn't see Ms. Trish very well especially in the Lion King dance. It doesn't matter because they still looked adorable. The first video is of Gracie and her friend from preschool dancing together. They are two of the silliest girls I have ever seen together. Despite the fact that they have been together all day at preschool, they still jump around, hug each other, and giggle uncontrollably before dance class. The second video shows me in all my moronic glory. I still can't get it through my head that you can't turn the camera sideways. So I will apologize once again if you get a pain in you neck while trying to watch the video. The last one is their little orphan Annie dance. I think this one will be my favorite when they do it for the recital. The video quality isn't very good, maybe if I had a better digital camera I could take higher quality videos. What's that you say, my 30th birthday is coming up? I would never think of asking for a big present or money towards a big present for such an insignificant birthday. No, I would rather let this milestone of a day go by quietly while we enjoy an evening at Pancake City and drink from their 1981 stained plastic glasses. I'm a very simple person you know. :)

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