Thursday, June 19, 2008

Alpacas and a Trampoline

Teresa took us to her in-laws house (Chad's parents) to see their alpacas. The babies were so cute. The little brown one that Gracie is petting walked up to me and bit the bottom of my shorts. Of course I screamed and it ran away. They kick their heels up like lambs when the run, too cute!

Here's Grace and Teresa with the brown baby again. Chad's parents raise the alpacas for their wool. (I guess you call it wool) Their wool gets quite a bit of money per ounce, so they are a good investment if you have the time and space. Somehow I can't see Scottie wanting to move out to the country to raise alpacas. So hopefully his salary as a doctor will be enough! :)

Gracie jumped on a trampoline for the first time. For some reason I thought she had been on one before. No wonder she always screams "TRAMPOLINE!" every time we pass one in the car. Sorry Grace, I didn't realize I had been depriving you all this time of the joys of trampolines.

Daddy got on with her and bounced her around for awhile. Then Teresa and Nancy got on with her. But after a few minutes she asked all the adults to get off because she couldn't jump very high with two adults on it. Actually she didn't really ask, she just said I need you to get off the trampoline. Teresa was trying to model for her the polite way of asking by saying "Can you get off the trampoline please?" Grace thought she was talking to her, so she got a sad look on her face and said "why?" It was funny, and I don't think she liked us laughing at her. Overall Grace is a pretty polite little girl, she just has to be reminded from time to time.
**Thanks Chad and Teresa for having us over to your house and showing us a great time. We miss all of you more than you know. I just wish we got to see each other more than once a year. Someday we will get to have that group vacation!!


Crystal said...

Larissa~how could you deprive her of the joy of jumping on a trampoline!! They are so much fun, Meghans ankle healed and of course she is back to jumping, again. Miss you guys-but i know its glad to be home(or at least closer for you).

Larissa said...

It was so funny because someone mentioned break the egg and Grace looked a little nervous. I think she was remembering what happened to your daughter.
I'm glad you are able to comment now. I hope things are going well for you all. I've been thinking about you with all the flooding in Iowa. Hope you guys are doing okay!

Unknown said...

The brown one looks dangerous to me.